Archive for the introduction Category

“This is what happens to black boys with big mouths.”

Posted in introduction with tags on December 8, 2007 by defendaamer

That’s what the Strathclyde Police said to Aamer Anwar, then a student organiser at Glasgow University, when they assaulted him in 1991.  Now Aamer Anwar is a prominent Muslim human rights lawyer who faces contempt of court charges for speaking out on behalf of a client.  If he is convicted he could lose his license to practice law or even face jail time.  This attack on Aamer Anwar is an attack on the free speech and civil liberties of everyone.  Lawyers, politicians, academics, trade unionists and community leaders are speaking up in support of Aamer. Please join the campaign to defend Aamer Anwar!

To get started, go here – this will tell you what’s going on and what you can do.